Presentation of the French association
Presentation of the English association
Holbeach and Spalding
Members (restricted access)
Sézanne and Mondement
Belonging to the Grand-Est area, Sézanne and Mondement are located in the Marne department, 120 km east from Paris.
Small town with a population of just over 5,000, Sézanne
is a rural town. Agriculture and viticulture contribute to the image of the city, vineyards, cereal crops and
beetroot, creating a hilly and colorful landscape with emerald green, gold and light ocher. Although Sézanne is a
small town in the countryside, its economy is based essentially on a strong industrial center, as well as on
shops, services and diversified craft industry. It includes the world's oldest ophthalmic optics factory.
At last, the old part of Sezanne tightens around his church, and snuggles in the green belt of the "mails" whose
names writes the history of the city. Ancient fortifications from the Middle Ages, which were filled at the end of
the XVIIIth century these "mails" became a place of walk very appreciated in the heart of the city. |
Carte de France
Carte de la Marne
The town of Mondement,
with only 41 inhabitants, is known for the battle that took place there in September 1914. It was an important
episode of the first battle of the Marne commemorated by a gigantic milstone designed by the architect
Paul Bigot and high of 35.5 meters. Located on a hill close to the village between the church and the castle
(battle site), it dominates the marshes of Saint-Gond, and was a strategic point that locked the
passage to Paris coming from the south. This monument build with salmon pink concrete is decorated with
figures due to the chisel of the sculptor Henri Bouchard. Mondement also has a Museum of History which is
located in the former communal school and recalls these fights. Desroches family, who is at the origin of the
twinning and owner of the castle, maintains an important archive fonds dedicated to the history of the
castle during WWI. At last, the cemetery around the church hosts a military square. |
Sézanne: view of Broyes suburb |
Sézanne: The République Square and church |
Some pictures of Sézanne and Mondement.
click on framed thumbnails
Mondement: the castle |
Sézanne: Nun "mail" (mail des religieuses)
Sézanne: The covered market (halle)
Mondement: The WWI Memorial