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The twinning from 1958 to today


Presentation of the French association

Presentation of the English association

Sézanne and Mondement

Holbeach and Spalding






Members (restricted access)

1. The beginning of the story

2. From 1958 to today

3. Exchanges through years

The beginning of the story.

It began with a friendship between two young girls. Pupils of a Swiss school, Madeleine Desroches and Nora Lane became friends. In order to improve their English and French, they were received into their respective families and strong ties were established between the two families. It was in 1958 that Mr. Desroches, mayor of Mondement, in connection with the Council of European Municipalities and his objective of promoting a united Europe, wanted to link his commune with that one of Holbeach, the town where Nora Lane lived. Given the size of Mondement, he proposed to associate Sézanne and this was how the Twinning Charter was signed on 6 and 7 September 1958 between Sézanne, Mondement and Holbeach.

An article in the Spalding Guardian of February 28, 1957, gives an abstract of the preparation of the twinning. In December, M. Desroches addressed an invitation which was discussed at a meeting of the Council of Holbeach. In February 1958, Mr. Desroches again sent a message to Mr. Mossop, Secretary of the Council, and proposed a twinning with the town of Sézanne near Mondement. Indeed, it indicates that if Mondement is a small village of historical interest since in the heart of the Battle of the Marne in 1914, Sézanne is a city comparable to Holbeach by its size but also by its economic surroundings, the two cities being deployed in a regions of great cultures. He suggested a meeting in Paris in April 1958. Mrs Lane proposed to represent the Council and it was decided that she would be accompanied by Mrs Hunter, President of the rural district of East Elloe and Mr Mossop.

This meeting resulted in the establishment of a charter of twinning between the three cities and three signatures were placed at the bottom of this Charter: that one of Mr Doucet (Mayor of Sézanne), that one of Mrs Alison Hunter (Chairman of The East Elloe Rural District Council) and finally that one of Mr. Desroches (Mayor of Mondement). By these signatures, the Aediles pledged themselves "to maintain permanent links between the municipalities of the two communes and to encourage exchanges between their inhabitants to develop by a better mutual understanding the living feeling of the European fraternity." The charter also stressed the commitment of the signatories in the combination of their efforts "in order to help to the extent of their means to the success of this necessary undertaking of peace and prosperity which is European unity".

The ceremonies which marked these signatures were impressed with solemnity. In Sézanne, speeches followed one another at the signing at the town hall. The officials then went to the Franco-English square in Sézanne's cemetery. Wreaths were laid by Mrs Hunter for the French monument and Mr Doucet for the English monument. A gala evening in the Praetorium closed the day. The theater group Benoist-Berthiot played "The Beggars in Paradise", comedy in four paintings by G.-Martens and A. Obey. The musical part was provided by the symphonic orchestra of the Municipal Music under the direction of Mr. L. Cadet. "The dance of the demons" was interpreted by a group of elders of Elan Sportif Sézannais. The "black light" was realized by André Pinard, sound and lighting were entrusted to the R. Bollot company, the floral decoration was realized by Mrs. P. Esman, the make-up by Mrs. R. Bollot, The background by Marius Charlon, Yves Hagnus and Jean Charlon and finally the staging by Paul Benoist.
The next day, Sunday, September 7, 1958, the officials went to Mondement. After being received at the castle, they went to the monument. Mrs Hunter and Mr Desroches gave a speech before Commander Gauvin decorated three former soldiers and that the commemorative plaque was inaugurated at Mondement's mayor's office.


From 1959 to today.

Between 1959 and 1976, relations remained under the responsibility of local elected representatives. However, Monique Marquet, director of the kindergarten of Sézanne, was invited to take part in a meeting of the municipal council. She proposed an action which could be carried out both by the young people of Sézanne and by those of Long Sutton at Holbeach: to illustrate a fable of La Fontaine.

Thus, an exhibition of drawings was held in Holbeach in 1962, an exhibition attended by young people from Sézanne under the direction of their teacher, M. Blouin. Their productions were exhibited in the hall of the school of the city, where they were admired at length by their English friends. As part of the reciprocity, the exhibition of the drawings of the young English took place on Sunday 8 September 1963 at 4 pm at the nursery school of Sézanne, followed by an aperitif in the wedding hall of the town hall.

In 1967, during a stay in Sézanne, a working session between the English delegation and the French elected representatives made it possible to envisage an extension of the common activities in the cultural, social or economic fields. Thus, in 1967, the delegates of Holbeach were able to visit "La Côte des Blancs" and meet the heads of the Cooperative Union of the harvesting proprietors of Mesnil-sur-Oger. It was also in 1967 that the "twinning committee" was created within the municipal council under the responsibility of M. Blouin. And finally, the year 1967 saw the marriage of Ms Anne-Marie Blouin de Sézanne and Mr Samuel Mossop of Holbeach on 23 December. It was not until 1972 that the exchanges expanded to the school environment. A delegation of English teachers came to meet the teachers of several schools in the city. It was agreed that an exchange of 3rd grade pupils would be arranged. During the reception at the Hotel de Ville by Mr. Caurier Mayor, Mr. Side, head of the English delegation, declared: "The friendship of the children must prolong the one we have given rise to."

As the twinning activities developed, Sézanne decided in 1976 to create an association Law 1901 (non-profit organization) under the name "Sézanne-Mondement-Holbeach". M. Blouin was its first President.

It was in 1977 that Spalding, which in 1974 became the headquarters of the new South Holland district to which Holbeach was attached, decided to join the twinning. During the French trip to England, Mr. Blouin said at the welcome reception at Spalding: "We are smaller than Spalding but our hearts are great to welcome you." Rendezvous was arranged for an officialization of this entry the following year for the 20th anniversary of the twinning.

In 1982 the first exchange of high school students took place. In April, 31 pupils of the Sézanne high school accompanied by Miss Claudine Bezos, Boué-Mathou, English teachers and Georges Vayron, left for Spalding.

In 1998, on the occasion of the 30th anniversary in Sezanne, a parade, led by music, left Holbeach boulevard, crossed the city by Notre-Dame street before reaching the square of the Town Hall for reception at the old college. Two riders were placed behind the Fere-Champenoise band, one holding a French flag, the other an English flag. In the evening, a meal was served at the Prétoire hosted by the municipal music and the folklore group "Jeune Champagne de Troyes". The next day, the English Visitd the "Forges of Buffon" in the Côte d'Or department. After lunch in Montbard, the afternoon was devoted to the discovery of the abbey of Fontenay. Finally, on Sunday, the commemorative ceremonies at Mondement took place, ceremonies during which a pigeon release was made.

Since then the reciprocal welcome has continued years after years, if one excludes the cancellation of the Visit to the French to England in 2012.


Exchanges through the years.
  • 1958: signature of the Twinning Charter.
    • September 5 and 6, signing of the Charter of Twinning in Sézanne and Mondement.
  • 1959: French delegation in Holbeach.
    • Visit to the "Georges Farmer School"
  • 1962 : Exchange of drawings
  • 1963 : English delegation in Sézanne
    • Welcome at the railway station of Sézanne
    • Journey to Reims : Visit to the Cathedral, the basilica Saint Rémy, and the hall where the WWII armistice was signed.
    • Lunch at the au Cheval Blanc restaurant in Montmort, then Visit to Montmort Castle with Mme Crombez.
    • Visit to Étoges castle and its gardens.
    • Party at the Mondement castle and commemoration of the Marne battle during the WWI.
    • Exhibition at the primary school of drawing from Longsutton pupils.
    • Reception at the town hall of Sézanne in the presence of M. Schummer, Blouin, Persots (Vice-Major of Sézanne), Desroches (Major of Mondement), F. Cromez (General councilor), Gl Wilson (military attaché at the British Embassy in Paris).
  • 1964 : French delegation in Holbeach
    • Official reception at Maltimore House by Herbert Palmer, Chairman of the East Elloe Rural District Council with Mrs. Alison Hunter, Arthur White, Arthur Tubbs, J.C. Pywell (representing the council of the parish of Holbeach), Roy Staples and W.H. Baines.
    • Visit to Hovenden House
    • Visit to the Long Sutton Agricultural Fair.
    • Lunch at Belton Houser
    • Guided tour of Holbeach with Mrs Needham as a guide.
    • Welcome at Mr & Mrs Proctor house Ryhall
    • Visit to Stratford on Avon (Home of Shakespeare, festival of waterways)
    • Visit to Coventry (Stained glass window of the "Baptistery", tapestry of "Christ the King").
    • Christiane Meunier and Anne Matie Blouin who took part in the delegation extended their stay by one month.
  • 1965 : English delegation in Sézanne.
    • Landing in Beauvais.
    • Visit to Provins ; lunch at the "Vieux remparts" hostel.
    • Reception City Hall of Sézanne with Mrs. Jacquesson (Mayor), Manciaux, Tréché, Caurier (deputies and councilors). It was also noted the presence of Mrs. Gély (Principal of the high school), Fontanis (Inspector of the Academy), Desclaron (director of the public school of boys), Berns (director of the free school) and Mrs Fontanis (director of the CEG), Marquet (director of the kindergarten and the superior of the boarding school of Girls).
    • Celebration of the Battle of the Marne at Mondement. Reception at the castle of Mondement.
    • Working session.
  • 1966 : French delegation in Holbeach.
  • 1967 : English delegation in Sézanne
    • Visit to Troyes
    • Visit to the "Côte des Blancs" in Mesnil sur Oger.
    • 22 décembre : wedding of Anne-Marie Blouin and Samuel Mossop
    • Creation of the twinning committee in Sézanne ; Président: M. Blouin
  • 1968 : French delegation inHolbeach
    • Visit to Marie-Noëlle et Jean-Luc Faucon to Mr et Mrs Aimery in Holbeach
    • Visit to Woburn Abbey
  • 1969
  • 1970
  • 1971
  • 1972 : English delgation in Sézanne
    • From 20th to 24th of octobrer ; 20 people
    • Welcome at the City Hall
    • Meeting of English and French teatchers
    • Visit to Versailles and Paris
    • Epernay : Visit to Moët & Chandon cellar; lunch at Damery
    • Visit to Reims
  • 1973 : French delegation in Holbeach
    • From 27th of April au 1st of May ; 35 personnes
    • Visit to Londres
    • Tulips festival
  • 1974 : English delegation in Sézanne
    • A long trip (15 hours!) from Ramsgate to Calais by Hovercraft
    • Visit to Notre Dame in Paris
    • Riverboats
  • 1975 : French delegation in Holbeach
    • Visit to Lincoln
  • 1976 : English delegation in Sézanne
    • From 2nd to 5th of Septembrer
    • Visit to Vaux le Vicomte castle
    • Création of the association « Twinning Sézanne - Mondement - Holbeach »
  • 1977 : French delegation in Holbeach
    • Visit to Sandringham
  • 1978 : English delegation in Sézanne
    • Visit to La Motte Tilly castle
    • Extension of the twinning to Spalding
  • 1979 : French delegation Holbeach
    • Visit to Cambridge
    • tulips Festival
    • An original lithography of the Town of Sézanne is given to the English delegation
  • 1980
  • 1981 : French delegation in Holbeach
    • Visit to York
    • 1st exchange of highschool students
  • 1982 : English delegation in Sézanne
    • 67 peoples (17 highschool students included)
    • 25th anniversary
    • Visit to Paris
    • A piece of stoff with decorated with Holbeach crest is given to the French delegation
    • From 4th to 16th of April: 31 highschool student from Sézanne travel to Spalding
    • From 17th to 29th of July: Coming of English students to Sézanne
  • 1984 : English delegation in Sézanne
    • Visit to Vézelay
    • English student in Sézanne
    • French students in London and Spalding
    • Inauguration of the street "boulevard d'Holbeach" in Sézanne
  • 1985 : French delegation in Holbeach
    • Visit to Leeds Hawords
    • Tulips festival
    • French student in England
  • 1986 : French delegation in Sézanne
    • Visit to Chantilly castle
  • 1987 : French delegation in Holbeach
    • Visit to Andley End
    • Visit to Coventry
    • Visit to Stratford
  • 1988 : English delegation in Sézanne
    • From 1st to 5th of September ; 65 people
    • 30th anniversary
    • Visit to Montbard
  • 1989 : French delegation in Holbeach
    • Visit to Leeds Castle
    • Visit to docks in London
  • 1990 : French delegation in Holbeach
  • 1991 : English delegation in Sézanne
    • Visit to Versailles castle
  • 1992 : French delegation in Holbeach
    • Insiders : Mrs Marquet, Mr Philippe Bonnotte, Mr Jean Agrapart
    • Philippe Bonnotte (Major of Sézanne) traveled by private plane and landed at the Fenland airfield in Holbeach
    • Visit to Duxford
    • Visit to Oxford
    • Visit to London, Blenheim palace
  • 1993 : English delegation in Sézanne
    • 66 people
    • Visit to Fontainebleau castle
  • 1994 : French delegation in Holbeach
    • Visit to Thaxted
    • Visit to Lincoln
  • 1995 : English delegation in Sézanne
    • 30 people
    • Visit to Sedan and Renwez
  • 1996 : French delegation in Holbeach
    • Visit to Canterbury
    • Petwood Raf
    • Grimsby
    • Inauguration of the street of Mondement
  • 1997 : English delegation in Sézanne
    • Visit to Breteuil castle
    • Visit to France miniature
  • 1998 : French delegation in Holbeach
    • 72 people
    • Visit to Chartwell
    • Visit to York
  • 1999 : English delegation in Sézanne
    • Visit to Langres
  • 2000 : French delegation in Holbeach
    • Visit to Halkham
    • Tulips festival
  • 2001 : English delegation in Sézanne
    • 40 people
    • Visit to Meaux
    • Show « Le souffle du vent »
  • 2002 : French delegation in Holbeach
    • Visit to Cobtree
    • Visit to Cambridge
  • 2003 : English delegation in Sézanne
    • Visit to Paris : Eiffel tower, touring boat
  • 2004 : French delegation in Holbeach
    • Barbecue at Sue Cooper
    • Lundi : free time ; evening lunch at Weston Village Hall ; concert of celtique music
    • Mardi : trip to Norfolk
    • Visit to Sheringham
    • French gift : tableau sur les jardins anglais visibles en plein cœur de Sézanne
    • English gift : une pièce de 5 pounds à l'effigie de la reine Elisabeth II pour célébrer les 100 ans de l'entente cordiale
  • 2005 : English delegation in Sézanne
    • From 24th to 28th August ; 40 people
    • Visit to Paris : Montmartre, Sacré Cœur, Sénat, Panthéon, jardins du Luxembourg
    • Samedi : free-day. In the evening, official lunch.
  • 2006 : French delegation in Holbeach
    • From 27th April to 1st may
    • Welcome at the Ayscoughfee Hall in Spalding.
    • Travel to London : RAF museum, Piccadilly, Trafalgar square, Big Ben, cathédrale St Paul Cathedral, National Theater, église des aviateurs, Law Court)
    • Flower Parade
  • 2007 : English delegation in Sézanne
    • 24 to 28 August
    • Reception at the cloister of the hospital with visit of the chapel
    • Meal at the restaurant « La Croix d'Or »
    • Travel to Paris : musée Grévin, Champs Elysées with a meal at « Chez Clément », aquarium du Trocadéro, Louvre
    • Gift to Wendy : watercolour representing the city of Sézanne
  • 2008 : french delegation in Holbeach
    • 22 to 26 August - 34 people
    • 50th anniversary of the twinning
    • Ceremony at the new Hallgate cemetery in Holbeach and then an oak plantation; delivery of another oak to M. Haro for planting in Sézanne
    • Lunch at the Methodist Church Hall in Holbeach
    • Official reception at the Weston Village Hall with the Fenlynn Concert Party
    • Visit to Nordfollk: herring museum in Great Yarmouth, boat trip
    • English board: André Haukins, Président - Keith Savage, secretary; call to new English members
    • Gifts: rosebush given by "les Amis de Sézanne"
  • 2009 : English delegation in Sézanne
    • Visit to Nancy
    • Gifts: twinning medals
  • 2010 : Visit des français à Holbeach
    • 26 au 30 août ; 38 personnes
    • Article dans le journal local : « Host needed for french visitors »
    • Visit de Stonehenge
    • Visit de Windsor
  • 2011 : Visit des anglais à Sézanne
  • 2012 : Visit des français à Holbeach ANNULEE
  • 2013 : Visit des anglais à Sézanne
  • 2014 : Visit des français à Holbeach
  • 2015 : Visit des anglais à Sézanne
    • Visit du château de Vaux le Vicomte
  • 2016 : Visit des français à Holbeach
    • Visit de Sandringham
    • Réunion des deux bureaux
    • Cadeau aux anglais : un panier et un plateau de gâteaux Fossier
    • Cadeau aux français : assiette commémorative des 90 ans de la reine Elisabeth II et une orchidée blanche
    • Repas de gala avec l'orchestre « Ukulele »
    • Visit du « Spalding Gentlemen's Society »
  • 2017 :


